Just writing to say this is still an issue - the volume on voiceover needs to be able to be 3-4x louder than it is now. Is anything changing with this?
Sometimes, videos from my phone or camera have to low volume. It would be a great feature if you could increase volume up to 300%. Now i use a stand alone app to do so.
Here's a beautifully stupid, but functional solution:
Select the clip you want louder;
Select Sound;
Select Detach Audio;
In the main timeline you will see a separate audio element. Just duplicate that until you get the increased volume you need.
If the sound of an audio which I detached from a video file is too low, I would want to increase the volume, but as of now the volume of detached audio is already at 100%. Please, make the option to increase the volume of separated audio to at least 200%. For example if I recorded a lecture, but the voice of the lector is too quiet, i would like to separate it from the file and have ability to increase it and then save. Thank you.
This is much needed. Because, otherwise we have to enhance volume with audacity or some other software first, and then transfer the audio file in here. Too much work for too little.
Activity Newest / Oldest
4 years ago and still in progress? can this be added please
It's been "In progress" for several years, what's the update?
Mark from Animotica Team
would be good to Increase video sound please
Mark from Animotica Team
Merged with: Increase Audio volume to 1000
hi sometimes our video are to quiet all tho the video has good audio would be awesome to incress the sound of the videos alot more
Just writing to say this is still an issue - the volume on voiceover needs to be able to be 3-4x louder than it is now. Is anything changing with this?
To 1000% would be nice to explode your ears
This would help so much as my audio is quite for a reason I can not figure out.
This would be extremely helpful! Has there been any update on this feature?
Animotica Dev.
Status changed to: In progress
Sometimes, videos from my phone or camera have to low volume. It would be a great feature if you could increase volume up to 300%. Now i use a stand alone app to do so.
Alex G.
Merged with: Increase volume above 100%
Here's a beautifully stupid, but functional solution:
Select the clip you want louder;
Select Sound;
Select Detach Audio;
In the main timeline you will see a separate audio element. Just duplicate that until you get the increased volume you need.
Yeah, this has been my go-to workaround as well.
If the sound of an audio which I detached from a video file is too low, I would want to increase the volume, but as of now the volume of detached audio is already at 100%. Please, make the option to increase the volume of separated audio to at least 200%. For example if I recorded a lecture, but the voice of the lector is too quiet, i would like to separate it from the file and have ability to increase it and then save. Thank you.
Alex G.
This is much needed. Because, otherwise we have to enhance volume with audacity or some other software first, and then transfer the audio file in here. Too much work for too little.
Animotica Dev.
Status changed to: Under review