My video is missing after saving.


I couldn't find my video after spending 2 days working on it. Can somebody help me to retrieve the video? I have searched the recent, documents, desktops and videos, still cannot find it. please help. thank you.
email: amy_soh@outlook.com


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Mark from Animotica Team


Thank you for contacting Animotica Support Center! Please accept our sincere apologies for such a delayed answer. By default, Animotica stores all your recently created projects in the following folder on your device: 'C:Users{PC Name}DocumentsAnimoticaProjects.' Go to the folder and find your necessary project file with extension '*.ani' and click twice or use the context menu to open it (You would have to insert the actual PC name instead of the {PC Name} string).

Contact us if you need any further assistance.

Kind regards,
Animotica Team