Corrupting files

Jacek Maria

I reinstalled this program already twice. Either it shows strange one color border along the contours or saved video plays only at the start and than freeze. Files Saved as MP4 quite often are corrupted and no program is able to play it. Especially when yo are replacing old video with same name edited. actually I stopped doing that because I see I have to keep original as backups. Program is very unreliable and I am forced to look for better editing program. There is no way to play lotto every time I edit someting


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Mark from Animotica Team


Thank you for contacting Animotica Support Center! Please accept our apologies for such a delayed answer. We suggest using Prepare Your Videos For Animotica Tool before adding the videos to your project. This helps to convert the videos to a compatible format with Animotica. Please look at a topic on our website on how to prepare videos for Animotica (support.mixilab.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039607991-How-To-Prepare-Videos-For-Animotica).

Also, you should make sure that all of the files used in the project are supposed to be located on a hard drive.

Contact us if you need any further assistance @ support@animotica.com.

Best regards,
Animotica Team